New Players and Guardians:
Players and volunteers at all levels are required to register with their local club to participate in women's field lacrosse.
Returning Players and Guardians:
Please note that players must be "in good standing" as determined by your Home Club to be eligible to register for the OWFL season. A player who is not in "good standing" will not be permitted to register or attend tryouts for the Ontario Summer Games, or any Team Ontario team.

Boundary Restrictions: Where you live matters.
Any player under 19yrs of age as of December 31st of the playing year, who resides in a community offering a women’s field lacrosse program for which she is eligible to play, MUST register with that club.
If there is no available program in her community for which she is eligible to play, a player may play in the next closest centre offering a women’s field program.
The "next closest centre” is determined by measuring the distance from the player’s residence to the closest boundary point to each club. Player’s do not have a right of choice between two clubs.
Determining a player's home club and helping clarify residency rules for new members can be challenging. The OLA has introduced a new feature "Where do I play?" specifically to help address questions and determine which club new players should register with when they fall outside a club's clearly defined area.
For more information go to:
New players may contact for their answer.
A player must return back to their home centre in year 2 if that club offers a program for which they are eligible to participate in.
All players must be first registered with their home club prior to seeking a release
All release requests must be submitted by May 15th to allow all due processes to be completed by registration cut off date
Parent/Guardian/Player to complete Section 1 and submit to the President of their home club
A copy of the release is to be sent to OWFL Registrar
The home club must respond to the applicant within 72 hours to acknowledge receipt of the request
The home club must either
a) set a date, time & location (with a reasonable time frame) when the release hearing will be held OR
b) provide the applicant with the approved release form
Releases may be conditional or unconditional
If the release is granted, conditional or unconditional, the player must present the signed two page form to the registrar of their new club/association. It must be attached to the new registration as proof of release.
Residency Rules apply to all age categories with the exception of Seniors and U8
No rep player may be conditionally released more than once to the same club. If a club releases a Rep player to the same club for a second time, that player is then unconditionally released to the club.
A player released to play House League may not play Rep for that club. Any player released to play House League may be released more than once to the same club without becoming unconditionally released
Please refer to OWFL Bylaws, Rules and Regulations for further information